Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Does Having Straight Teeth Even Matter? - Braces Las Vegas

does having straight teeth matter, las vegas braces
Yes, Straighter Teeth does Matter.
If you thought impressions didn’t matter, then think again. We wanted to bring to light a study that was done roughly two years ago, but is still very relevant today. The fact remains: we are grossly judged by our appearance, which includes more than just our smiles.

In short, the study concludes that straighter teeth translates into success, smarts, and more dates. We aren’t even kidding either; it’s all based on the facts that were revealed in the study.

The Facts (only based on those who participated in the study [1,047 respondents])

·      29% of those in the study said the first aspect they notice on someone’s face is their teeth. 24% say this is also the aspect they remember after meeting someone.

·      Respondents perceived those with straight teeth to be 58% more successful than those with crooked teeth. The key here is perception. Those with crooked teeth of course can still become successful!

·      On dating sites, those with pictures featuring straight teeth are believed to be 57% more likely to get a date than those with crooked teeth.

·      Those with straight teeth are viewed as 47% more likely to be healthy and 38% more likely to be seen as smart.

·      An overwhelming 73% of the respondents are more likely to trust someone with straight teeth over someone with crooked teeth.

·      About 57% of the respondents would rather have a nice smile over nice skin. We’re guessing this is because you can cover your skin with the right clothing and makeup.

So, the next time you contemplate going through the “pain” of orthodontic braces, you should take these considerations into mind either for yourself, a child, or someone else that has been debating the issue.

A big reason people fear braces are because they do not want to be embarrassed by them, which is why clear braces are a perfect choice, and because they do not want to deal with the hassle of taking care of them (it’s really not as hard as you think!).

Your Las Vegas braces orthodontist is a great starting point for those looking to make a difference.

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