Thursday, January 6, 2011

Las Vegas Orthodontist discusses Orthodontic Treatments

Malocclusion is a dental condition that is caused by a poor bite. This problem can be treated with a form of dentistry called orthodontics. The most common orthodontic treatments come in the form of dental braces. While braces were originally intended for children, modern orthodontics can be used to treat teens and adults.

Orthodontists use several methods to determine which orthodontics treatment to use, including oral examinations, X-rays, and impressions. Your orthodontist may also check your dental records in order to better formulate your treatment plan.

Orthodontic treatments involve the use of controlled pressure on different sections of the teeth. The process repositions the teeth and dental roots in order to align the teeth into a corrected smile. This takes approximately two years, though the duration of treatments vary by case and treatment plans. After the main treatment process, your orthodontist may recommend wearing a retainer for some time after.

For further questions regarding Orthodontist Las Vegas please call (702) 463- 7400.