Friday, November 20, 2009

Las Vegas Orthodontist Reviews The Right Diet While Wearing Braces.

If your current diet consists of sticky and hard foods you can potentially affect your brackets on your braces , loosen your bands or reshape your wires, thus, leading to an extended amount of time you will need treatment. Of course, we always recommend that you limit the amount of sugar in your diet. Typically, foods that are high in sugar are also sticky.
Softer foods that are low in sugar are better, but you are not limited to those types of foods. Our practice recommends that you steer clear of the following foods:
Hard Candy
Raw Carrots
Bubble Gum
If you have questions about maintaining your braces for effective treatment please call us (702) 463 7400 or click: Braces Las Vegas .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Orthodontist Invisalign Braces Las Vegas

Q: Childrens Orthodontics What are the warning signs I should look for to schedule an Orthodontic Exam?

Parents concerned about the oral health of their children should look for these signs below:

• If your child has lost their baby teeth early or late.
• Does your child have a difficult time chewing or biting
• Do they have difficulty with speech
• Bulging teeth, or asymmetry can be an early sign.
• Facial imbalance
• If your child is grinding their teeth

If you have more questions about children’s orthdontotics and about maintaining your child’s health call (702) 463 7400 or click: las vegas orthodontist questions .