Friday, September 5, 2014

Quick Tips on Going Back to School with Braces – Braces Las Vegas

back to school braces tips for children
Braces are for all ages, children and teens alike!
School has just begun and if you’re new to braces, then you’re going to want to pay attention to some of the back to school braces tips we’re about to offer. If you already have braces, then you can use our handy, little guide as a nice refresher. The main goal is to make the transition from wearing braces at home to wearing braces in school as smooth as possible.

Extra Elastics

You’re going to want to bring some extra elastics in case one of them snaps or falls out for any reason. If you have a locker then consider placing a few inside of it so that you always have a few handy while you’re at school. Elastics are the driving force behind straightening your teeth. If you do not have your elastics on, then you are slowing the process down.

Orthodontic Mouth Guards

Many children sign up for sporting programs at their school – not a problem. Playing sports with braces is a concern for many parents, but there’s no harm done as long as you have a special custom-fit orthodontic mouth guard that is specifically made to protect your braces and of course, your gums and teeth as well. Check with your orthodontist for more information.


You will only need a case if you have a removable pair of orthodontics such as Invisalign braces or a retainer. By having a case handy, you are able to better track where your expensive appliances are. Believe it or not we have heard stories of patients whose children lost their retainer because they accidentally tossed it without realizing. A case helps prevent this.

Pack Appropriate Lunches

Either bring your own lunch that is great for those braces or if your school offers lunches then make an effort to select the foods that won’t require extensive maintenance later on. We recommend soft foods and vegetables. Hard, crunchy foods may damage your brackets and/or wiring.

Bring one of your special flossing tools to school just in case something get caught between your braces.


Those with braces have a tendency to get chapped lips so keeping chapstick handy (either on you or in a locker) is a great, easy way to take care of this problem.

Remember to brush and floss your teeth every day (and night!) for at least 2 minutes a time for an effective cleaning. If anything happens at school to your braces then be sure to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as you can.

Braces Las Vegas wishes you the best of luck during the school year!


  1. I remember when I first got my braces. My lips go so dry for some reason. Chap stick became vital for me. I never left the house without it. That is a great tip.

  2. There is a lot of great stuff on this blog. I have been wondering about why people with braces get those white spots and this answered. Most of my friends have braces on right now so I'll have to explain to them about this issue.Braces Pembroke Pines
