Las Vegas Orthodontist Answers How You Can Avoid Sensitive Teeth (Part I)
You've probably met someone who simply cannot understand why they suffer from sensitive teeth. How can they avoid this problem? To answer this question, we need to look at what causes it. If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you may experience unbearable pain when exposed to heat or cold, such as when drinking hot coffee or eating ice cream. You may also feel pain when brushing your teeth. Sometimes, bleeding can occur, as well. This usually happens to people with cavities or damaged teeth. Most of the time, it is because the enamel protecting the teeth has been worn down. When this happens, the dentin (sensitive part of the tooth) is exposed and left vulnerable to all kinds of painful experiences.
The cemetum under the gums is a protective substance that covers the tooth root. When the dentin loses the protection of the enamel, the nerves under the tooth are stimulated, triggering pain whenever it is hit with a hot or cold temperature. So, how do you fix this problem? When even brushing causes intense pain and even damage to sensitive teeth, how are you supposed to keep protected against sensitivity?
I have compiled a few tips to help answer this question, which will come in Part II of this post.
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